Omega Clan Integrity Issues
Omega clan,
I have had 2 reports of texture theft by your members within the last week with hard evidence confirming the reports.
You guys seriously need to consider the caliber of people that you are recruiting, because right now, you are developing a bad reputation both in-game and on the forums.
Both NuggetsDeFrango and HidanX have committed texture theft or plagerism recently. Nuggets stole his OWN CLANMATES textures and claimed that he made them, and HidanX took [NO]Evil's head texture, edited it slightly, and was wearing it... and even argued when someone called him out on wearing it.
You should make sure that your members know the rules of the game and these forums. Part of being a clan and an
official clan at that is the fact that you're well known in the community. Don't start being well know from the wrong things....
/friendly advice
Edit: Browsing through your member's list, I do not see HidanX. Is he a new recruit, or did he steal your clan tag?
Last edited by Brainstorm; Sep 12, 2009 at 07:52 PM.