Original Post
[S] Account
I'm selling destinypower, I'm tired of it.

Prices I'll take:

ToriCredits: 95k
Items: full texture items.

I'll take one of those on-top.

here are the deactived:

Activated items:
/dl destinypower
/lp 0 destinypower

TC: 900 tc
Qi: 740

Send the items to this account.

Right now he has a 4 day ban.

I'll give you a Green belt account for to keep until he is unbanned.
Account username: hey0912, and realpro120
Destiny a bit of advice. All that isn't worth anything NEAR what you are asking for. $25 is 250k and an account with eh items and textures. 95k is worth at least a 2nd dan and full textures is about a 3rd dan.
Ok, I'll take the following now:


26k, give my chest texture, head texture back.

$10 USD


chest,groin,stomach,left & Right pec, breast texture

Remeber you get 3 accounts.

Also, just send the items and when I get home from school I'll pm u the account info on all 3.

I really would like the textured items instead of tc.

Send the items to RealPro please!

Remeber, send the items to me and when I get home from school I'll give you the account info on RealPro, and send the items to RealPro

2 green, one brown with loads of items.
Last edited by DestinyPowa; Sep 14, 2009 at 11:31 PM.
Originally Posted by DestinyPowa View Post
Ok, I'll take the following now:


26k, give my chest texture, head texture back.

$10 USD


chest,groin,stomach,left & Right pec, breast texture

Remeber you get 3 accounts.

Also, just send the items and when I get home from school I'll pm u the account info on all 3.

I really would like the textured items instead of tc.

Send the items to RealPro please!

Remeber, send the items to me and when I get home from school I'll give you the account info on RealPro, and send the items to RealPro

2 green, one brown with loads of items.

Only 3 accounts?

What about 20 of your other ones?
Lol, they all are pretty much nubbish, except for 2 of them.

Hey0912-blue I think.
Destinypower-Brown, 200 something till black
and I'll give 1 more:

send the texture to this account

send the TC to this account.