Original Post
[Shop]Heads and Trails
So this is a basic request shop. I am opening this to practice my art in order to get better. Prices are very cheep. The average price of head will be around this chart:

Ok head: 100-250tc
Decent Head: 250-500tc
Good head: 500-750tc
OMFG head: 1k and upwards. <----I won't be making a lot of these and I really don't have an example.

Pricing for trails:
Non conecting trail: 100tc
Connect trail but basic: 200tc
Connect trail good: 400tc
Connect trail + shading: 1k tc
Examples (I'll be adding more as I make them):

I can do other styles such as, tribal/abstract.
Please keep in mind, if you don''t like it you don't have to buy it.
C&C is welcome.
So as of now, My shop is open.
Have fun buying. ^__^
Last edited by Kryo; Sep 17, 2009 at 05:56 AM. Reason: Lt.Kenny Duh.
Please post some examples of your work so people will know what they are buying. If there is still no examples within 24hr's I'll close this.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny