Originally Posted by
Wow Drake thats some awsome replats right there, i love that opener on the first replay its awsome isnt it i always do it lmfao!
wat ._. and if you mean on wushu, well in that replay grav is -30 so it is totally different.
anyway thanks guys for the comments, I didn't reply because I was waiting till I had some replays and well...10 mins ago I begun doing something and I did 2 replays
and yeah, noomy you're right, I don't know why I didn't do the decap, I did a better version but the fuxing game didn't save it right <.<
oh well, hope you'll enjoy these
edit: f*** off, the game didn't save the best replay of the 2 right, I'm getting pretty irritated by this fact, the best replay don't get saved in a right way, the game saves them without putting .rpl at the end and it saves like a 0kb file (example the best replay of these was called:# oh naw mah achilles heel.rpl D:, and the game saved it as: # oh naw mah achilles heel D (yes without the .rpl))