Well, this might be an exploit, but my friend showed me this. Simple to put in words: A fighter explodes. One of his arms goes 4-D, by flying off the screen into another direction. http://www.filefactory.com/file/9c87d5/
(P.S: If this is an exploit, he just found it with v1.99.)
I like explosions =D They happen almost all the time when I use mods in sigle player...
<ducky> The game.
<siku> ducky: i didnt know this was 2005 and 4chan
<siku> sorry, i hate the game and you should shut the fuck up about that retarded bullshit
<siku> you should link us to awesome and edgy motivational pics next or maybe pedobear
<siku> inb4 rep needs toriprime or vip lmao rofl that /b/ is grate
<siku> is this the part where you educate me on memes, further showcasing your amazing 4chan findings
<siku> word x is a meme lmao rofl
I like explosions =D They happen almost all the time when I use mods in sigle player...
back in 1.99 i made a mod where the head was so big if you relaxed or moved to much it would crush you, but it wasn't to big so you could still move, a little bit.