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Becoming a Vegetarian.
A few weeks ago ive decided to become a Vegetarian cause im really against animal cruelty.
Is there any hints on what to eat?
Like what foods contain protein?
I feel like its the right thing to do. Please comment.
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Well main thing vegetarians have to concern themselves with is protein. Since meat is #1 source of that, you'd have to get it elsewhere.

Most vegetarians get it by eating tofu (made from soy beans), mushrooms, plus there is protein in other animal products like eggs and milk. But tofu and mushrooms are the big ones I'm pretty sure.
ok than odlov^ I am currently 14 living with my parents.
I dont want to tell them because theyll think im some sort of hippy
But i think that im making a statement about animal cruelty.
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Meat is very important for growing, not eating it isn't the best of ideas at your age.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
You becoming a vegetarian doesn't stop the animal slaughter... It'll be there, but you'll be covering your ears to it by not eating meat, eh? You're not making a statement, you're thinking you are. And if your parents don't support you, you're already halfway to giving up on it.

But yeah, basically what Odlov said - protein. It's mostly what meat has that you need, and you'll need to acquire it from other foods.

(As much as I find being a vegetarian stupid.)
ok thanx for giving me some tips, but i think that if a change is needed.
Someone should start it. I realize im still young and i need it, but i dont think killing is the way to do it.
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