Original Post
[sambo]replay thread
YES! everybody hates sambo well not everybody well no-one i guess hates it. but it just happends to be that most of the cool replay is done with 9.82 grav. so ppl, u should rly show some cool 30grav moves instead.

here is two newbish examples of an sambo kick and id like if someone posted even sambo madmans

EDIT: best sambo replay madman or any stuff with 30 grav will get 10k (not much but anyway)
so send those good sambo replays and get 10k

EDIT2: this is NOT an event!
Attached Files
sabokick 1.rpl (221.7 KB, 30 views)
sabo kick 3.rpl (99.2 KB, 28 views)
Last edited by cowmeat; Oct 2, 2009 at 06:40 PM.
Why thank you ;) .

Edit: Head passing replays and a break dance replay in sambo gravity.
Attached Files
Dragenon - head pass 3.rpl (557.8 KB, 10 views)
Dragenon - Headspin 3.rpl (267.9 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Dragenon; Sep 27, 2009 at 04:56 AM.
[Death Plague] | RL | ORMO | PwN |Dragenon's Realistic spars thread
3 sambo replays here.

No Touchie
Rolling Thunder
Rolling Sword

First one is flawless, meaning Uke got no points.
The next two are nograb. Uke also moves a little bit, but that's before I start attacking. I moved him so that he stays upright and doesn't fall down too quickly.