Original Post
troubles [with textures]
hampa - kitfox - chickenpox - kickerr or anyother person i trust, please help me...
i bought some textures from shop but only the right leg has a pic uploaded on it and i need 1 of u to upload the same pic on all of them for meh...
thanks! btw i know how to upload but they come out all crappy when i upload, and i also wanted to mention a scammer, elettor i think his name is.
well, we hada deal if i send him hydra torso he send me dragon and some stuff, then he sends me textures and i send the toricredts right..
as soon as i sent the hydra he just like pinged.
Then never came back... i know we need proof but i can get proof from that thing on the shop thingy but idk how first so can some1 post how to do that aswell?
1st: wrong forum...try it at "Support" next time
2nd: pics must be 128*128 pixel...and they need some mins to appear ingame
3rd: textures can not be transfered
4th: quote:"i can get proof from that thing on the shop thingy"....wut ?

btw...i know... the thread will be deleted ^^

i just wanted to help funor ..maybe heīll see my post before itīll be deleted
pwned by white belts:∞ times
sold my soul for 80 tc to this guy :3
i got a texture problem i put it in my shop and other items and there is no items its says it dont say look at items what ever please tell me as soon as you can

btw im funorbftws bro lol.
Last edited by SlipAnc; Sep 26, 2009 at 07:57 AM.
funorbftw: If you want to report somebody then PM an smod or an admin (blue and red name of the forum). If your reporting a scam then post here.

Also could you give me more details about your texture not working?

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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Originally Posted by funorbftw View Post
hampa - kitfox - chickenpox - kickerr or anyother person i trust, please help me...
i bought some textures from shop but only the right leg has a pic uploaded on it and i need 1 of u to upload the same pic on all of them for meh...
thanks! btw i know how to upload but they come out all crappy when i upload, and i also wanted to mention a scammer, elettor i think his name is.
well, we hada deal if i send him hydra torso he send me dragon and some stuff, then he sends me textures and i send the toricredts right..
as soon as i sent the hydra he just like pinged.
Then never came back... i know we need proof but i can get proof from that thing on the shop thingy but idk how first so can some1 post how to do that aswell?

Textures : Try to type /dl funorbftw . You can also try to get in a Multiplayer room until your textures are totally uploaded.

Scam : As you clearly stated, you need a proof. If you have a picture, host it with then post the [IMG] link on the forum board that was given to you by Slipanc.
To take a screenie of your screen, press the PrtSrn button (probably at the top-left hand corner of your keyboard), then open Paint, press Ctrl+V to paste the picture then save it in a folder.