Real name: Manuel
Age: 85 (in dog years) 18 (in human years.)
Belt and Rank: 2nd Dan, rank 3306
Favorite Mod: Aikido
Past Clans: Diaf and decap (kind of)
Mods I want to improve in: Lenshu, Judo, and Wushu
How long have I been playing: Maybe a couple years ,but I've been on and off.
How do I play: I would say both offensive and defensive, usually offense going for the grab.
Why do i want to join: I admire the principles on which MMA is based. To raise competent and versatile fighters.
Why do we need you?: "The more the merrier?"
What are you expecting: I am expecting to become a great fighter, have fun with the clan members, and help out with what i can.
Last edited by DarthManny; Nov 12, 2009 at 03:30 PM.
Reason: to add belt and rank