From The Beginning.
A great long time ago..... There was a game created among the warriors. Where they had countless battles to solve issues display moves and just do a bit of danceing. Through the organization of this game along came groups of fighters that stuck together they proclaim themselfs as clans, and were set on takeing over this game.Though it started with one it suddenly grew getting 10, 20,and now theres a ton.But todays story is a bit different the game has changed.In many different ways. There are wars among the clans where they fight to show whos best. Lots of the anceints have left and gone rogue out in the obyss. The few that have remaind pass down Storys and moves helping there freinds grow while they fade.During all this turmoil I guess u wounder where we are. Well we have been there since the start when the first punch was thrown when the first kick was done. It was Mixed Martial Arts that started it all. As the game changed so did we going undercover figureing out different styles and stratigies to defeat the opponent at hand.So that we could always become victorious through our battles.Now the group has been formed and great fighters have Combined to show what the true Spirit of fighting is all about.We train on the daily bases to become better no matter the task faced.We shall Continue our quest of the unlimited knowlege of fighting so that we can master any tecnique that can be congered
Last edited by Gamer4200; Mar 8, 2010 at 09:47 PM.