[Helper]Ask Waffle real life philosophical questions.
On request of TomPaine, I've taken control of this thread. Mwahahahaha!
Umm I guess "Real Life philosophical Questions" would be in order,
Now ask
me stuff, Anything you can possibly think of... The Mysteries of the world?! The Meaning of Life? Why god hates you? Why do I always refer to giant pigeons as a form of desperate comedic effect?
Even stupid riddles like which came first? the chicken or the egg, or how long a piece of string is.
A: Dinosaurs n fish had eggs long before chickens where around, the term egg is also commonly used in reproductive junk on a cellular level.
A2: A piece of string length is twice the distance from the center to an end.
I actually know quite alot about some certain technical topics but seeing as that's part of my secret real life identity and I doubt any one here would ask about stuff like that I'll just keep those shrouded in mystery untill some one guesses.
Let's get this show on the road people!
Last edited by Waffledude; May 29, 2010 at 05:34 PM.