Original Post
Head texture problem
I put two head texture together by accident. I want to take one out but i dont know how to . Can someone tell me what to do??
Thread moved to the appropriate section. Can you please elaborate as to what your problem is? Did you buy two head texture items or did you upload two? What?
if you have activated to head texture items, go there (deactivated items) and click on Deactivate of one of your head texture. This is how you deactivate items.

If you bought two of them, simply sell one back in the ToriMarket.
Maybe you should elaborate one what actually happened. Then we can help you.

Maybe you shouldn't repeat 3/4 of the posts above you. ~Fee
Last edited by Fee; Oct 9, 2009 at 10:11 PM.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits