[22:11] <Spleentir> Anyways... gather around coz its storytiem.
[22:12] <Larfen>
[22:12] <Spleentir> Today is a little different, couse sometimes in the story i will let you choose whats gonna happen
[22:12] <Spleentir> Anyway
[22:12] <Nightin> cool, when do people die of herpes?
[22:12] <Spleentir>
Once apon a girl <---- girl? there was a fat nerd called...
[22:12] <Spleentir> Whats his name gonna be?
[22:13] <Nightin> Nightin
[22:13] <Spleentir> I vote jalis
[22:13] <Spleentir> JALIS IT IS THEN
[22:13] <Spleentir> Jalis was playing tb and being a nerd as usual
[22:14] <Spleentir> When suddenly he heard a big boom
[22:14] <Spleentir> He looked out the window, and saw a big hole in the ground.
[22:14] <Spleentir> Whats gonna b in the ground?
[22:14] <Larfen> Youre mother
[22:14] <Nightin> The 1 guy 1 jar guy.
[22:15] <Spleentir> And he found his mother in the hole
[22:15] <Nightin> :c
[22:15] <Spleentir> And he asked, what are you doing mom
[22:15] <Spleentir> And his mom said, im not your mother
[22:15] <Larfen> :O
[22:15] <Spleentir> And his mom took of her skin and there was another person under the skin
[22:15] <Spleentir> Who will it be?
[22:16] <Nightin> The 1 guy 1 jar guy.
[22:16] <Spleentir> It was the 1guy 1jar guy!
[22:16] <Nightin> omg
[22:16] <Spleentir> He said, WATCH ME SHOVE THIS JAR UP MY ASS
[22:16] <Spleentir>
But dalir did not want too <--- dalir?
[22:17] <Spleentir> So he killed the guy
[22:17] <Spleentir>
And then he saw man appear <--- saw A man maybe?
[22:17] <Spleentir> And he said: "im...
[22:17] <Larfen> it was jalis
[22:17] <Nightin> JALIS IT IS THEN
[22:17] <Larfen> dumbass
[22:17] <Spleentir> sigh
[22:17] <Spleentir> ill decide then
[22:18] <Spleentir> And he said: "Im destinypower
[22:18] <Spleentir> Follow me through this portal into another dimention and i will show you the secret of FAIL
[22:19] <Spleentir> Jalis said: "ok"
[22:19] <Spleentir> And followed DestinyPower through the portal
[22:19] <Spleentir> Then Destinypower raped jalis
[22:20] <Spleentir> Jalis felt bad
[22:20] <Spleentir> Coz he wanted to know the secret of fail
[22:20] <Spleentir> But DestinyPower said "bwahahahahaha" you fail!
[22:20] <Spleentir> So he really had learned the secret of fail!
[22:21] <Spleentir> he was happy and went home with a smile
[22:21] <Nightin> And then he died of herpes.
[22:21] <Spleentir> AND THEY ALL DIED OF HERPES
[22:21] <Spleentir> THE END
[22:21] <Spleentir>
[22:27] <Spleentir> Once apon a time, there was a couple called the Frickles
[22:27] <Spleentir> The Frickles were happy soul
[22:28] <Spleentir> Untill mrs Frickles ex showed up
[22:28] <Spleentir> And he died of herpes
[22:29] <Spleentir> And the frickles said, "How delightful"
[22:29] <Spleentir> "Now lets make this story more interesting
[22:29] <Spleentir> AND FIGHT NINJAS"
[22:29] <Spleentir> So they started fighting ninjas
[22:30] <Spleentir> 50 against two
[22:30] <Spleentir> The frickles stood there in the middle
[22:30] <Spleentir> And mr. Frickle said: "it's showtime
[22:30] <Spleentir> !
[22:30] <Spleentir>
And they started kicking the shit out of the zombies <--- zombies?
[22:31] <Spleentir> Roundhouse kicks
[22:31] <Spleentir> Dropkicks
[22:31] <Spleentir> Curbstomps
[22:31] <Spleentir> And cartwheel kicks
[22:32] <Spleentir> They slaughtered the ninjas one by one without noticing an angry Poptart was approaching
[22:32] <Spleentir> And the poptart said "fluff"
[22:32] <Spleentir> And he killed mrs. frickle
[22:32] <Spleentir> And Mr. Frickle said " bastard
[22:32] <Spleentir> "
[22:33] <Spleentir> The poptart laughed so Mr. Frickle took the chance to kick him in the balls
[22:33] <Spleentir> But he did not have balls
[22:33] <Spleentir> AND THEY ALL DIED OF HERPES
[22:33] <Spleentir> THE END
Im gonna make all the wrong parts bigger so you can see them.
Last edited by Splinter; Oct 28, 2009 at 10:38 PM.