Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Gather around kids, couse its storytiem.

[22:58] <Splinter> I talk alot eh?
[22:59] <Giantz> I like to listen.
[22:59] <Giantz>
[22:59] <Splinter> K
[22:59] <Giantz> but, ye
[22:59] <Splinter> Then let me tell you a story
[22:59] <Giantz> k
[22:59] <Splinter> Once apon a time
[23:00] <Splinter> There was a sweet unsuspicious boy named [insert generic story name here]
[23:00] <Splinter> Who got a letter that said: Meet me at 1am at the old bridge
[23:00] <Giantz> Can his name be Tom? :V
[23:00] <Splinter> unsuspecting* btw
[23:00] <Splinter> Kk whatever his name is tom
[23:01] <Giantz> happehfaec
[23:01] <Splinter> So, he went there
[23:01] <Splinter> What he didn't know
[23:01] <Splinter> Is that the man was a pedo rapist who is also a nazi
[23:01] <Splinter> And he tried to rape Tom
[23:01] <Splinter> but Tom was quick
[23:02] <Giantz> yey
[23:02] <Splinter> And was able to roundhouse kick the pedo rapist who is also a nazi in the face
[23:02] <Splinter> And the pedo rapist who is also a nazi said: Ill be back!
[23:03] <Splinter> Tom ran home
[23:03] <Splinter> At the speed of light
[23:03] <Splinter> And told his prants
[23:03] <Splinter> parents*
[23:03] <Splinter> Who did not listen
[23:03] <Splinter> Couse they were dead
[23:03] <Giantz> now wait
[23:04] <Giantz> how old is this pedo rapist
[23:04] <Splinter> What is it now?
[23:04] <Giantz> who is also a nazi
[23:04] <Splinter> We will find out later
[23:04] <Splinter> Now listen
[23:04] <Giantz> ...k
[23:04] <Splinter> He found a note on the wall that said: I have killed yo' parents rofl.
[23:05] <Splinter> Tom was shocked
[23:05] <Giantz> ITS THE RAPIST
[23:05] <Splinter> He realized that it must have been the pedo rapist who is also a nazi
[23:05] <Splinter> So he grabbed his chainsaw
[23:06] <Splinter> SRS BSNS NAO
[23:06] <Splinter> But he realized he did not have a chainsaw
[23:06] <Splinter> So he grabbed a sew
[23:06] <Splinter> seesaw*
[23:06] <Splinter> fuck
[23:06] <Giantz> saw?
[23:06] <Splinter> Anyways....
[23:07] <Splinter> He went to the bad guys home
[23:07] <Splinter> That appearantly was across the street
[23:07] <Splinter> The pedo rapist who is also a nazi who is also 98 years old said
[23:08] <Splinter> You will never get me!
[23:08] <Splinter> Then tom took out his see saw and sawed his face of
[23:08] <Splinter> But he was still alive
[23:09] <Splinter> Since he had a second face under his first face
[23:09] <Splinter> Tom said: Oh no!
[23:09] <Splinter> And the bad guy said: Oh yes!
[23:09] <Splinter> And then they both died of herpes
[23:09] <Splinter> The end!
[23:09] <Splinter>
[23:10] <Giantz> I liked the part
[23:10] <Giantz> where
[23:10] <Giantz> it ended
[23:10] <Giantz> DD
[23:10] <Splinter> I should totally do this some other time too
[23:10] <Splinter> It was fun
[23:10] <Giantz> and the herpes part, that part was good too
[23:10] <Giantz> kkk
[23:10] <Giantz> My turn
[23:11] <Splinter> k
[23:11] <Giantz> Once upon a time
[23:11] <Giantz> there was a little dandelion
[23:11] <Giantz> it just swayed with teh wind its whole life
[23:11] <Giantz> the
[23:11] <Giantz> until a mad scientist brought it to his lab one day
[23:12] <Splinter> Oh noes!
[23:12] <Giantz> he shot the dandelion with a sort of plasmic ray
[23:12] <Giantz> and it turned into a beatiful girl
[23:12] <Giantz> the mad scientist then proceded to bang teh dandelion
[23:12] <Giantz> the
[23:12] <Giantz> they had kids whose heads where dandelions and normal bodies
[23:12] <Giantz> they were teased
[23:12] <Giantz> the end
[23:13] <Splinter> That sucked
[23:13] <Splinter> Mine was totally better
[23:13] <Giantz> owait
[23:13] <Giantz> then the kids died simultaneously of herpes
[23:13] <Giantz> THE END
[23:13] <Giantz> better?
[23:13] <Splinter> Now we're talking!

Post all your wonderfully amazing stories here, oh and one thing, someone has to die of herpes.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
This was on Omegle (don't ask):

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Howdy stranger
You: sucky sucky 5 dolla
You: me love you long time
Stranger: Alright, but I have to warn you, many have tried, none have returned
You: oh a challenge
You: i accept
Stranger: Did I mention there are aligators?
You: fuck
You: there's a moat around your boat?
Stranger: Many have discribed my bush as a labyrinth of nightmareish branches of hell, twisting there insidious roots around the very monstrosity that gives them birth.
Stranger: Those few men dared go no further
You: very poetic
Stranger: One cannot speak in anything but poetry after seeing such horror
You: men visit your bush often?
Stranger: Mostly fooling youngins
Stranger: The bush is a test of manlihood
You: a right of passing
Stranger: It takes a big man to see such a forest surrounded in mystery and danger, and walk away without exploring.
Stranger: It takes a bigger man to dive in
You: in that case
You: sucky sucky 500 dolla
You: you buy now
You: real cheap
Stranger: I do buy now
Stranger: Before the true horror sets in and you realize your sanity is worth more than $500.
You: good deal you take advantage
You: special price for you
Stranger: Well, lets get started
Stranger: I'm unzipping my pants.
You: im taking out my vacuum
Stranger: Once it's out theres no telling what could happen. Here... we.... GO!
You: im setting my vacuum to carpet setting!
You: there no telling what could happen!
Stranger: Could you be the one to tame the beast?
You: one would only hope we will be here when it's over
You: im talking out my dust buster for backup support
Stranger: I can't see you anymore, you've been consumed by the dark forest
You: this isnt working
You: im gonna have to cross the streams
You: hold on to your ass
Stranger: *EXPLOSION*
Stranger: OMG
Stranger: Are you ok?
You: it's every where
You: hows it feel
Stranger: The son of a bitch did it!
You: what news of the bush
Stranger: The bush has been covered in a thick gooz
Stranger: The ghosts have been bannished
You: yes this white liquid must be ectoplasm
You: or it's marshmallow from the state puff man
You: ether one
Stranger: I do believe we are safe
You: it's been good fighting by your side
Stranger: I've been fataly wounded
You: o shit
You: i'l call in a e-vac for random fatal injurys
Stranger: No, my heart has already stopped
You: dam
You: there was nothing i could do
You: he was fine then his heart just stopped
You: it was probably the shock
You: and he never payed
Stranger: I see, well your under arrest
You: this is preposterous
You: i've done nothing wrong
Stranger: You have
You: but i have a wife and kids to beat
Stranger: Than that is 2 crimes you commited here
You: damit i'm claiming the 5th
Stranger: The first!
You: you'll hear from my lawer
You: you cant do this to me, im an important man
Stranger: You have engaged in sexual activity with an 8 year old
You: that kid was askin for it
Stranger: Did you or did you not ask the boy to pay you for sexual pleasure?
You: sir you dont understand it was a good deal
You: and he never payed
Stranger: He never paid?
You: that right sir
You: his heart just stoped
You: there was nothing i could do
Stranger: I see
Stranger: Well than, theres obvioulsy nothing wrong here
You: i'll be on my way
Stranger: Thank you for your time
Stranger: WAIT
Stranger: JUST
Stranger: ONE
Stranger: MINUTE
You: >.>
You: <.<
Stranger: Is that a "I hate niggers" shirt you have on?
You: curse my habit of wearing racist t shirts
Stranger: I have the same shirt!
Stranger: Well good day son
You: thank you officer
Stranger: WAIT
Stranger: JUST
Stranger: ONE
Stranger: MINUTE
You: what is it?
Stranger: Are you wearing women's purfume?
You: no sir
Stranger: *smells*
You: thats the ectoplasm
You: i think
Stranger: What ectoplasm?
Stranger: This white stuff on the body?
You: it was everywhere
You: i almost died
Stranger: *picks some up and examines it*
Stranger: *tastes it*
You: no sir dont!
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: This isn't ectoplasm boy
You: it isn't?
Stranger: It's
Stranger: it's...
Stranger: ... oh dear god
You: what is it sir
Stranger: What we have here is space junk
Stranger: This man was an alien
You: dam him...
You: he knew this would happen
Stranger: But why?
Stranger: Why would he engage in sexual actas with a human, just to explode?
You: my... god......
You: it's the single
You: they're invading!
You: the way i see it this city will be knee deep in space junk by morning
Stranger: *shoots self in head*
You: =O
You: everyone PANIC!
Stranger: *panics*
You: *waves arms around helplessly*
Stranger: *gets eaten by dinosaur*
You: *runs around in circles screaming*
Stranger: *dinosaur turns into an alien*
You: o shiiiiiiiii-
You: it's happening!
You: again
Stranger: *and then it transforms into a space, pirate, robot dinosaur*
You: oh noes, Nazi robot zombie pirate captains riding space dinosaurs
Stranger: Fuck
Stranger: we're doomed
You: i see no surviving this
Stranger: We should probably have sex before we die
You: i'll go get the vacuum
You: wait there's no time for that
You: we must get Bob
You: he'l know what to do
Stranger: We have to do this now
Stranger: Luckily I was born with 3 penises and 6 vaginas
You: my god
You: your one of them!
Stranger: I am not an alien trying to make you give me your seed
You: so thats your plan
You: your planets natural resourses are running low and your here to harvest our seed so your offspring can survive on this planet then clear us out to live here yourselves!
Stranger: actually our plan is to sex all humans and have their babies
You: oh
Stranger: Than they have to pay for child support
Stranger: and when their economy is ruined
Stranger: We will open a chain of super low price alien stores
You: you basterds
You: the small outlet stores will have no chance
Stranger: When all mom and pop stores are closed we will make fun of them
Stranger: And tell them they are stupid
Stranger: Then we will leave
You: what did we do to deserve such a fate
Stranger: Your earth TV networks interfeared with ours
Stranger: and we were forced to watch The Hills for 2 years
You: not even I could withstand such torcher
Stranger: Many of us fell victims to this
You: what became of them?
Stranger: The ones that weren't killed by the idiocy commited suicide
You: dear god
You: i see that our punishment is well suited
You: however
You: how will any of it change your current situation?
Stranger: I'm glad you asked
Stranger: I have no idea
You: HAHA!
You: while you where busy telling me your evil plan i pressed the off button on all your robot dinosaurs!
You: which changes nothing!
You: damn it...
Stranger: HAHa
Stranger: But I've come to the realization that the humans are not to blame for their stupidity
You: oh spare us your cruel wrath great alien overlords
Stranger: I shall put a stop to my evil plan
Stranger: The humans do not deserve to suffer for their actions as they all live a shallow meaningless life. they didn't know what they were doing
Stranger: SO I shall blow the planet up instead
Stranger: And end the suffering they call life
You: thank for your merc- whaa..
Stranger: *EXPLOSION*
[18:43] <Splinter> Once apon a time
[18:43] <Splinter> There was a snake named snaky
[18:43] <Splinter> He used to live a normal snake life
[18:43] <Splinter> Untill the giraffes came
[18:44] <Splinter> The giraffes ate all his friends
[18:44] <~Giantz> excuse me
[18:44] <~Larfen> D:
[18:44] <Splinter> Snaky was lucky and survived
[18:44] <~Giantz> giraffes don't eat snakes
[18:44] <Splinter> Who's telling this storu?
[18:44] <Splinter> now shut up
[18:44] <Splinter> With no friends
[18:44] <~Giantz>
[18:44] <Splinter> Snaky decided to leave home
[18:45] <Splinter> And search for a better place
[18:45] <Splinter> He travelled for days
[18:45] <Splinter> Before he found a place called "snake hell"
[18:45] <Splinter> He thought it sounded like a nice place
[18:45] <Splinter> So he went there
[18:46] <Splinter> But it turned out
[18:46] <Splinter> It wasn't a nice place at all
[18:46] <Splinter> So he left
[18:46] <Splinter> Many years later
[18:46] <Splinter> Snaky was a big strong snake
[18:46] <Splinter> But he was anhappy
[18:46] <Splinter> nhappy*
[18:46] <Splinter> unhappy*
[18:47] <~Larfen> fail
[18:47] <Splinter> Becouse he could not find a nice place to live
[18:47] <Splinter> But one day, he met a nice human named satan
[18:47] <Splinter> Who promised to help snaky throught his quest
[18:48] <Splinter> But it turned out he was SATAN!
[18:48] <Splinter> So snaky left him
[18:48] <Splinter> He never found a new home
[18:48] <Splinter> And he died of herpes 10 years old
[18:48] <Splinter> The end!
[18:49] <~Larfen> \o/
[18:49] <Splinter> Dont you just love happy endings?
[18:49] <~Tamer0> aww
[18:49] <~Tamer0> how cute
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
[22:11] <Spleentir> Anyways... gather around coz its storytiem.
[22:12] <Spleentir> Today is a little different, couse sometimes in the story i will let you choose whats gonna happen
[22:12] <Spleentir> Anyway
[22:12] <Nightin> cool, when do people die of herpes?
[22:12] <Spleentir> Once apon a girl <---- girl? there was a fat nerd called...
[22:12] <Spleentir> Whats his name gonna be?
[22:13] <Nightin> Nightin
[22:13] <Spleentir> I vote jalis
[22:13] <Spleentir> JALIS IT IS THEN
[22:13] <Spleentir> Jalis was playing tb and being a nerd as usual
[22:14] <Spleentir> When suddenly he heard a big boom
[22:14] <Spleentir> He looked out the window, and saw a big hole in the ground.
[22:14] <Spleentir> Whats gonna b in the ground?
[22:14] <Larfen> Youre mother
[22:14] <Nightin> The 1 guy 1 jar guy.
[22:15] <Spleentir> And he found his mother in the hole
[22:15] <Nightin> :c
[22:15] <Spleentir> And he asked, what are you doing mom
[22:15] <Spleentir> And his mom said, im not your mother
[22:15] <Larfen> :O
[22:15] <Spleentir> And his mom took of her skin and there was another person under the skin
[22:15] <Spleentir> Who will it be?
[22:16] <Nightin> The 1 guy 1 jar guy.
[22:16] <Spleentir> It was the 1guy 1jar guy!
[22:16] <Nightin> omg
[22:16] <Spleentir> He said, WATCH ME SHOVE THIS JAR UP MY ASS
[22:16] <Spleentir> But dalir did not want too <--- dalir?
[22:17] <Spleentir> So he killed the guy
[22:17] <Spleentir> And then he saw man appear <--- saw A man maybe?
[22:17] <Spleentir> And he said: "im...
[22:17] <Larfen> it was jalis
[22:17] <Nightin> JALIS IT IS THEN
[22:17] <Larfen> dumbass
[22:17] <Spleentir> sigh
[22:17] <Spleentir> ill decide then
[22:18] <Spleentir> And he said: "Im destinypower
[22:18] <Spleentir> Follow me through this portal into another dimention and i will show you the secret of FAIL
[22:19] <Spleentir> Jalis said: "ok"
[22:19] <Spleentir> And followed DestinyPower through the portal
[22:19] <Spleentir> Then Destinypower raped jalis
[22:20] <Spleentir> Jalis felt bad
[22:20] <Spleentir> Coz he wanted to know the secret of fail
[22:20] <Spleentir> But DestinyPower said "bwahahahahaha" you fail!
[22:20] <Spleentir> So he really had learned the secret of fail!
[22:21] <Spleentir> he was happy and went home with a smile
[22:21] <Nightin> And then he died of herpes.
[22:21] <Spleentir> AND THEY ALL DIED OF HERPES
[22:21] <Spleentir> THE END
[22:21] <Spleentir>


[22:27] <Spleentir> Once apon a time, there was a couple called the Frickles
[22:27] <Spleentir> The Frickles were happy soul
[22:28] <Spleentir> Untill mrs Frickles ex showed up
[22:28] <Spleentir> And he died of herpes
[22:29] <Spleentir> And the frickles said, "How delightful"
[22:29] <Spleentir> "Now lets make this story more interesting
[22:29] <Spleentir> AND FIGHT NINJAS"
[22:29] <Spleentir> So they started fighting ninjas
[22:30] <Spleentir> 50 against two
[22:30] <Spleentir> The frickles stood there in the middle
[22:30] <Spleentir> And mr. Frickle said: "it's showtime
[22:30] <Spleentir> !
[22:30] <Spleentir> And they started kicking the shit out of the zombies <--- zombies?
[22:31] <Spleentir> Roundhouse kicks
[22:31] <Spleentir> Dropkicks
[22:31] <Spleentir> Curbstomps
[22:31] <Spleentir> And cartwheel kicks
[22:32] <Spleentir> They slaughtered the ninjas one by one without noticing an angry Poptart was approaching
[22:32] <Spleentir> And the poptart said "fluff"
[22:32] <Spleentir> And he killed mrs. frickle
[22:32] <Spleentir> And Mr. Frickle said " bastard
[22:32] <Spleentir> "
[22:33] <Spleentir> The poptart laughed so Mr. Frickle took the chance to kick him in the balls
[22:33] <Spleentir> But he did not have balls
[22:33] <Spleentir> AND THEY ALL DIED OF HERPES
[22:33] <Spleentir> THE END

Im gonna make all the wrong parts bigger so you can see them.
Last edited by Splinter; Oct 28, 2009 at 10:38 PM.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
So like, one time there was this guy named brorave, and he was fat. Nobody liked him and, he was fat. One day he decided to ban an awesome kid from #t. This just made everybody think he was more fat than he already was. A couple years later, he died of diabetes.

brorave = Ravenger
Last edited by Giantz; Oct 29, 2009 at 09:14 PM.