Obama's presidency is a topic of great controversy.
Many people applaud his efforts in office and while they are very valiant and brave, they are completely ineffective.
I suppose now you think I’m a racist?
Well no, I judge him harshly on his actions and not by his skin color.
I believe that an African American president can unite America in a large way but only if his policies are effective and can represent his people with pride.
So far he has accomplished nothing of any real significance in office but has been awarded with the Nobel peace prize for his efforts in the Middle East.
That is all well and good but what did he achieve.
Here we can see one example of Obama alienating Israel.
He demanded an end to construction in east Jerusalem to which the Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Netanyahu was outraged.
He has no right to dictate the development of a city that is in no way the soil of America.
An openly religiously diverse city which was being fairly developed.
To say where the Jews can and can't live in a state that was declared theirs by the UN is despicable.
How did this help the conflict in any way?
The relationships in the Middle East between Israel and the surrounding states have never been more strained.
Israel feels threatened already and now more so as Obama continues to ignore the nuclear development taking place in the Islamic states.
Obama has attempted to pass several bills which have been shot down by a senate that his party controls.
Most famously his health bill was recently set forward.
What it entailed was a government run health care system in which the taxes which were already raised for the rich/middle class are being raised again to provide cheap health care for the poor.
If we look at it most employers already provide health care for their employees, so there are only very very few people without health care.
This bill will also create a one trillion dollar loss over the period of 10 years, which is money that the US government does not have.
After all we are in a recession.
Rather let charities do their job and provide for those people rather than taking the hard earned money of the rich, and we are not talking about the few who inherited it or such, and just hand it over to the poor.
The rich/middle class pay their taxes like anybody else and therefore do not deserve to be burdened with the medical aid bills of those who cannot afford it.
This is also fairly hypocritical as Obama himself was born into a middle class family.
Cnn is known as a large supporter of Obama but even their own reporters are no longer behind the president anymore. They are now publishing articles and statements that reprimand his actions.
Here is one example
So we can clearly see that his Peace prize is a joke.
His efforts in the Middle East have been futile and he has done nothing to contribute positively to America.
Maybe if he spent less time listening to himself speak, and started to care about his own people rather that the opinions of the Islamic world he could keep his one million promises that he made in the election. Yes we can?
Of course we can, but we just need to know how. Please stop what you are doing for one second president Obama. Nobody cares about how you bought a little puppy for your kids and nobody cares that you had the support of Germany in your campaigned. What we care about is a leader and we do not see one in him. We all know that we can but so far nothing has happened. And anybody who points it out is a racist. A Blind follower's defense for every one of his actions.
No matter what color he is I only judge his actions. And so far the world is not impressed.
Any thoughts? I will listen to you with an open mind.
I would also appreciate other sources on the subject both agreeing and disagreeing