Original Post
i want everyone frmo this clan to pic a shader wich will be as their background in the clan vid.

i take

shaders are in ctoribsah\custom\shaders

to enable them type in game


example /lws

ya have to have shaders turned on.
I suggest someone who has(me, cat, aronnos I think) shaders get the replay and frame of the replay, then takes a pic, then send it to aro.
<Catguy19.0> "Quote me."
lol i don't have shaders can somebody make me nice pic background should be something black or green or both

i can'T pose too

cat i think you can do that good can you make me it pls :3
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.
lol i don't know what colours this things are cause i can't watch it
Hier steht eine Signatur. Here is my Signatur.