The whole Termless1 thing..
We should have known it was too good to be true, lol..
Anyways, Gman will probably pm the one of you that is involved, but no need to panic..
None of us did anything wrong here, except saying yes to some extremely priced packs..
I have allready talked to Gman this, but duo to me going away for 3 days, ( in 2 hours, sigh ) i cant help him any further.
iamrubbish is the only member who got a ban, i dont really know why though, i was busy lolŽing.
I sent the stuff/tc that i recived back to Gman, said a looooong goodbye to my pretty demon D: ..
We have all worked hard, on getting ouer accounts this high, lets not fail now..
Bye AlphasoniK, wuw yooooouuu<3
- Jaxxx