Google is saying it will replace e-mail...I have my doubts. Discuss?
EDIT: Though is pretty damn cool...
EDIT2: Also holy hell, never heard of Google web toolkit, but that is awesome...idk any sort of html or web language, but i can see the potential something like that can bring to the table...*currently watching all of this vid for the first time.*
Google wave sounds like a supa-nerd? Also, if you arent going to watch it, what the hell is the point in posting about it? I watched the vid in two sittings, and you dont have to watch every second of it to see that it actually DOES have some pretty revolutionary potential.
bah, skip halfway through or something. They spend a lot of time making terrible "jokes" and their equipment borks enough to sort of take some of the steam out of their presentation, but it IS pretty damn cool.