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Co-Education versus Singe Sex Education
The Debate of Single Sex versus Mixed Sex Education has been very controversial for decades. Starting from the women suffrage movement which resulted in improving women rights until this present day dozens of headmasters argue which is better and decide the ultimate fate of gender education. Equality has been one major factor of Co-Education schools and that is why most private and public schools especially in the United States use the Co- Education model. In the other hand, studies show that boys and girls learn in different ways. How will it benefit them and will there be negative side effects?

What is Co-Ed Education and Single Sex Education?

Co-education means the education of boys and girls in same school, colleges or universities. This is a modern concept and has brought remarkable change in the societies. It was first introduces in Switzerland, but now it has become popular almost in all Europe and America.

Single Sex Education:
Single-sex education (SSE) is the practice of conducting education where male and female students attend separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. The practice was predominant before the mid-twentieth century, particularly in secondary education and higher education. Single-sex education in many cultures is advocated on the basis of tradition, as well as religion and is practiced in many parts of the world.

What are your thoughts?
I have been in both co-ed and single sex high schools and in my opinion the co-ed system was far better. Not only did I find I worked better, the social skills I learned were invaluable and I believe I would not have leaned many of these skills at the single sex school.
There are two sides as to why anyone would favor either.


As a default, if two things are different in any way, the other one is some way better. Since both genders have to be treated equally, it's easiest just teaching them the exact same things at the same time. That way not only do they share the curriculum, but also the environment and so on.

The counter-argument is that boys supposedly can't focus with girls around. Or, alternatively, the girls won't be able to focus because the boys won't let them. Both are highly sexist, but sadly, statistically they probably work to a degree.

the counter-argument to the counter-argument (I can only keep a stiff upper lip about this because I'm tired as hell) is that a balanced social life actually helps people, or at least the kinds of people high schools want: compassionate students.

financial efficiency:

pretty simple really. Even if you have to have two mixed classes instead of a girls and a boys one, you'd need measures to counteract possible differences in the numbers of each gender, probably different buildings or classes at the very least for the genders, and maybe even different teachers, since a male teacher may be prone to look down on the female students, at least if the society is jilted enough to bastardize equality in such a manner.

On a side note, why do I always start writing my posts with, for one, "there are x sides" and secondly, x is always n-1, n being the original number of sides I thought there
I refuse to grab.
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I support co-education as the school is to prepare students for their future life. Social development by means of single sex education would only be impeded. I consider dealing with the other gender essentiel although the discipline might be constrained debending on the teacher and other conditions.
There are special subjects such as physical education where a Single Sex Education might be usefull though.
Last edited by Steena; Nov 3, 2009 at 09:27 PM.
I see Co-Education as the definite best choice here as I'd imagine separating them into two groups could cause alienation towards the opposite sex and ineptitude when talking to them.

As much as people may or may not like it, relationships is a thing that even kids have to learn something about, and as we have seen, the first "relationships" start in toddlers school.
I support Co-education, not only then do the students learn social skills, they learn to get along with the other sex =P
Granted, If we separated the sex's we could possibly move ahead in education but in the long run we will not be as socially as adapted as we are now, nor will we ever be the world we are now, I mean, lets be realistic, no sex in high-school = fail.
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