Original Post
Making signatures 500tc each
I am making signatures for 500tc each they are free for [hoodz] clan members
do you want your name on it:
some stuff like the text size and other:
And send me a picture of (tori) By Personal message or this email: [email protected]

examples of work
Last edited by cp0n55; Nov 5, 2009 at 01:44 PM.
i did it simple and i dont teach
1:not a teacher here
2:im natural at making signatures
3:not using windows paint

and i could teach you if you give me a item
Natural at making signatures? Seriously, these aren't all that good, you just did the /lws thing and then added text. And the one where, the background is black, you can see the white outline. But whatever, the price is ok.
Oh my, what is this doing here?
ur right my signatures arent great like some others but its something its not expensive and its nice
and are you gonna buy lol