Christmas Lottery
Original Post
My situation.
I got tests coming up that will basicly detirmine my grade so i need to study.

So i will be inactive for some time

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Bro, we get it. This is your 3rd thread about being inactive due to tests, and bad grades, etc. :P

Anyways, goodluck.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Same thing here, but it's the French brevet and it's coming up in June/July next year, so i probably won't be on all that term. I'll define dates later on.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Same thing here, but it's the French brevet and it's coming up in June/July next year, so i probably won't be on all that term. I'll define dates later on.

I shall sticky beaver juice your faice!