Sockgasm inc.
Tired of being busted by your parrents, when you fap?.
Well son, do i have a deal for you!.
Now, here is how it works.
You put on the product, 30 socks should do it.
Then you take them of, and you will get a sockgasm!!
The product can be purchased for only 99,99 dollars!
Buy this week, and get a 25% discount, AND a free Orgasm inc. tshirt along*2 AND 3 SLAVES!!
And dont worry about your parrents getting mad, when they see the package.
Sockgasm inc. sends your shipment in discreet Walt Disney package.
A note for some of ouer customers
Bill Clinton - " I did not have sexual relations with that woman, i did however, have relations with the sockgasm.. Mmmh, sockgasm"
Chuck Norris - " I approve of this product".
Random old guy - " I feel young again"
Sockgasm inc. cannot be held responsable for anything, that goes wrong, while using the product
1* Product may cause violent dierra, heavy vommiting, feet falling of, gay midgets and/or instant death.
2* only 30 in stock, and they are all stained with my cum.
Last edited by Jaxxx; Nov 11, 2009 at 12:32 AM.