Original Post
A Way To Measure Distance
I know that this is not a record. However, this involves records and such.
I've seen records (that have been attempted to be submitted) before including distance between objects or stuff like that, but the threads are always closed due to an inability to measure the distance.

Now, I've dreamed up a method to find the impossible: The distance between places in Toribash!

I now present to you... Algebra I Math! It's so simple, I'm surprised no one's thought of it!
Note: Requires basic replay reading/hacking skills. Here's a link to a tutorial:

For the examples, I will be using a longest skeet-shot record for reference.
Also, by "action," I mean the part of the replay where your record is based on. Or maybe it was something else. I don't know, I've forgotten already.

Step 1: Go to your replay for the record you are submitting. Open it in Notepad and scroll down to the frame where the action starts.
Ex: Scroll down to the frame where you let go of your thrown object. It will have GRIP 0; 0 2

Step 2: Scroll down to POS 0; or POS 1;, depending on the object thrown, and find the position of the object of the action.
Ex: If the object thrown was Uke's lumbar, go to POS 1; and scroll right until you find the 3rd set of numbers (Numbers 7-9). Record those down, as those are the starting positions and will be needed later on. Let's say our numbers are X1(-0.98850061) Y1(-2.17882548 ) and Z1(1.87649734).

Step 3: Scroll down to the frame where the action stops. Look for the POS 0; or POS 1; and scroll to the right until you find the position of the same body part again.
Ex: If Uke's lumbar was thrown at Uke's head for a skeet-shot, the frame where the action stops is the frame where the lumbar hit the head. Go to POS 1; of the frame and then go to the 3rd set of numbers yet again. Record these numbers as well. Let's say these numbers are X2(-12.84261029) Y2(8.75560000) and Z2(0.5415721.

Step 4: Here's the actual math part. To find the distance, you must use the Distance Formula! You know, that stupid thing you had to do on all those homework assignments, and which took up some time and effort and cause extreme boredom. Wait, what's this? You forgot it? Oh well, here it is again, for reference:

..________________________________________________ _________________________
√(-0.98850061+12.84261029)2+(-2.17882548-8.75560000)2+(1.87649734-0.54157218 )2
..________________________________________________ ___________
√140.5199163054697024+119.5616605776732304+1.78202 51828010256


Distance between the place where lumbar thrown to the place where lumbar hit = 16.1822002 ToriUnits.

Note: EngageDistance, EngageHeight, etc. use a different unit than the ToriUnit. I believe 1 ToriUnits=100 Engage units, although I'm too lazy to check.

Pictures will be made soon, when I finish my record attempt.

I couldn't tell if this goes in Tutorials (it is a tutorial, I guess) or Book of Records (it is related to records, after all)
Last edited by GuardianDuo; Nov 12, 2009 at 03:49 AM.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
Yes, but that is limited by engage distance, and it is also unable to measure height and diagonal distance as well.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
Doing it by hand is a bitch. I'll make a script to do it easier.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well