Original Post
Joint Colours?
I'm new to toribash and i was watching some replays and i noticed how some people had changed their joint colours for their tori. I understand you can buy force and relax colours but i dont know how you make the joint colours show up in a replay. I tryed changing my item.dat file but when you start toribash it reverts the colours back to normal.

Thnx in advance
In the replay, it only shows the force colour. In the item.dat, you'd need to edit the REPCOL.
When you save a replay under your name, the players in it will automatically be named as you and have your items.

That way you can create a replay and editing it like it was made by someone else, too, and he'll appear on the screen.

Vox sucks
[10:14]<siku> magnificent sparkling vampire
[10:14]<siku> i love you edward

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