Its time for yet another clan video..
I am totally bored, and duo to Marco pooping videos out every sec, i want to make one too
Now, this is how it works.
You post over 3-4 replays,
not 5,
not 2,
but over 3-4.
I dont want faggy replays, i want something to work with, SO PLEASE!
Epic replays this time.
You also have to tell me, what shade you want in your part.
You may also suggest a song for the video..
1/12 - 09 will be last chance, if you want to be in this, so AlphasoniK, PLEASE, finish your set by then
If you go offtopic in this thread, i will cut your balls of, and eat them.
Seriously though, just stay on topic.
Last edited by Jaxxx; Nov 13, 2009 at 12:43 PM.