Original Post
Evil News
In the next few weeks we are going to be having a recruitment drive.
As it stands..... Only the leaders and the elite evil members are contributing.
To change this, we are going to try and get active regged players, that regularly
post on the forums.

I have appointed Mish as a recruiter to help bring in some new blood.

So a big gratz for Mish. He has been very up for the evil cause.
yay thx imubai
[COLOR=red][B]ARGUING[/B][/COLOR] on the internet is like runing in the [COLOR=blue]s[B][/COLOR][COLOR=green][B]p[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=purple]e[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=deep][B]c[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]i[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=death][B]a[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=blood][B]l[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]OLYMPICS[/B][/COLOR] even if you win.[COLOR=red][B]YOUR STILL RETARTED[/B][/COLOR]
Originally Posted by Superstar View Post
I'm no good unless someone commands me, so C'mon and command me!

I command you to pratice on your judo skills so you can pwn even more.