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Pain during instant death
I was thinking to myself whilst playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, if for example you got shot, and that shot killed you instantly, lets say the bullet went through your heart or something, would you feel any pain from it? I'm not sure if you would feel pain if you died instantly, so, what do you guys think?

Sorry if this should be in rapid threads, feel free to move it accordingly.
If the bullet went through your heart, you would still be alive for at least a few seconds, and you would obviously feel a lot of pain. Even a shot to the head may not instantly kill you- it could just paralyze a part of your body for the rest of your life.

But if you do something 100% lethal like hold a grenade to your eyelid, I think it's one of the questions we'll never get to know. We can speculate and say that the moment from the explosion penetrating your body to the moment your brain disintegrates causes some degree of pain, but that's just that.
Last edited by BlakNWyte; Nov 17, 2009 at 12:36 AM.
Science tells us that if you held a grenade in your hand and pulled out the pin, when it exploded your body would not feel anything as your brain would be destroyed too fast for it to register any pain whatsoever.
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'm just sad that I can't give myself one
[19:39] <Birdflu> I'd have a great time
I would think that any damage done to the body that does not directly effect the way the brain receives message from the body would result in pain being felt though nerves transmitting the feeling of 'pain' to the brain. Once the person is dead, obviously those messages are not being sent anymore, but the time in between first signs of damage and death would result in the feeling of pain. Split second and seconds of pain are still pain.

Indeed you would, because it's the brain that sustains your perception, not your heart.
Of course, if the heart is destroyed by the bullet and blood stops being pumped into your brain, you will die very very fast, but not fast enough not to feel sharp pain from your mortal wound.
A chicken without a head still runs, so do humans feel pain after exploded heads?
Also, a shot to the heart would hurt, because your blood still flows for a few seconds, giving your grain to register the pain.
Odlov posted right before I did so I didn't see his post :P
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Like odlov said, your heart is the most important organ. Once the flow of blood stops YOU stop. You might not die the second it hits you but a few seconds after it.

And I'm pretty sure most game companies steer away from making the game as realistic as it can get. If it was like that it would be unenjoyable and a waste of money.
"Can't see California with Marlon Brando's eyes"


"She isn't real.... Can't make her real"
Not seconds, your brain will be dying for a few minutes. You will loose consciousness after 5-6 seconds though, and you won't feel much after that.
PS: i think the question was answered, so unless you need similar answers repeated 500+ times i think this thread can be closed.
Last edited by Odlov; Nov 17, 2009 at 12:08 AM.