Firstly ITS NOT JUST ABOUT DOING EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN.... Its about makeing something awesome ...even if u just stole a pic and cut it on rite size and do some effects on it long its awesome ill buy it
Im sorry Zas32x but the hand and the plant are much too cartoony for me im more searching for something more realistic , head is much to bright what about putting the gravestone on the left upper corner away just as the head and the hand and the plant and the splattern left down and make it look darker and more evil lol
make some dark bloody "death" out of tb-violence perfected and just let it look less cartoony
Background is kinda awesome but i wunt to see the moon :o
Well, i would buy it for about 3 k but not for 30 sorry
Nice but make something else out of the bloody splattern and make deathc out of tb perfected just like zas and fill the whole menu more tho make a bit more shining maybe
Last mention: I will buy the FIRST awesome one surely everthing awesome after that ill maybe buy for lower
Edit : thats a picture i like for example thats just that dark mighty powers ;O
neednt be a graveyard...just awesome ;)
Last edited by hAsbroken; Nov 18, 2009 at 09:42 PM.