Huge sale [flame, forces, laxs and a 9th dan account]
Here I will be selling a 9th dan account flame and force/laxs
(feel free to bargin)
Force laxes:
Adamantium Relax -10k
Acid Relax - 6k
Amber Force -20k
Chronos Force -200tc
Gladiator Force -200tc
Gladiator Relax -200tc
Ivory Force x3 -30k each 50k for all 3
Ivory Relax x2 -15k each 25k for all three 75k for pack of 2 ivory R and 2 L
Jyro Force -1k
Jyro Relax -1k
Platinum Relax -35k
Radioactive Relax -Sold
Sphinx Force -1k
Tyrian Relax -22k
Velvet Force -75k
Account :
Bigducky (9th dan almost tenth)
Fusion Head flame
(If you wish to buy other things in my inventory ask and offer)
Deactivated inventory dont think that will work but if someone could tell me how to get it up that would be great
Last edited by sampandora; Nov 19, 2009 at 11:59 AM.