Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[A] azurite items

min bid: 40k
min raise: 1k
autobuy: 70k
end : 48h after last valid bid

min bid: 35k
min raise: 1k
autobuy: 65k
end: 48h after last valid bid

min bid: 10k
min raise: 1k
autobuy: 25k
end: 48h after last valid bid

autobuy all: 140k
autobuy force/lax: 120k

if no one is interested I will close this [A] after 24h
wishful eyes deceive me
ill give you groin chest stomach gold force and platinum secondary grad for azurite force?
Visit my shop it has the best Items with the lowest prices!
@killer: no ty
@ChopeStick: for bid yes, for auto buy u can offer items - 2 x leg + 2x thigh text gets u force, or something like that
wishful eyes deceive me
hm wut about old gold force+sapphire force+gold force+juvory force+copper lax for
edit: i must go!
so if u acept it sent items i will give u the items later
btw other deal would be

old gold force+sapphire force+gold force for azurite force+ghost
Last edited by ChopeStick; Nov 21, 2009 at 03:16 PM.
gold force = 4k
saphire force = 15k
old gold force = 20k
ivory force = 7k
copper lax = dunno but cheep
all around 45k
I will give u ghost for sapphire force xD
wishful eyes deceive me