Christmas Lottery
Original Post
[looking for] Flame's
ok i am looking for 2 flames, right and left hand.

it has to be red or black, has to be a bit like an real flame.
size: like 2-3 time the height of an Hand (in normal toribash gameplay)

and i am paying between 60-130k or real money!!

pos pictures with standing and moving, thank you up2u.
I have one red - orange hand flame, i can sell you about for 60k. /dl wildslash /lp 0 wildslash to see it. Its activated on my inventory,
not working? post some Screenies?
and how much would it be in $ for the flame.
not insane plz im only 14 years old and i have anough problems with money.
Here it is i can make the 2 hand flames here is only one =3 but the 2 flames look exactly the same i can make the 2 of them for 130k there for 70k each but yeah i can make them for 130k =3 hope you like it
back from the dead
u meen that i have like 200TC.

i sayd: 60-130k or real money.
and how much would it be in $ real money.

so again, u say 130k for both but how much Real $$
money for the both of them.
im sorry i dont have that much.

i only have 20$ so i can give you that and i will add all stuff i have.
that makes:

20$ dollars
Vampire Primary Gradient
Copper Ghost
Acid grip
Helios Secondary Gradient
Chronos Relax
and Chronos Force

all that for the 2 flames.

this realy is all i have, the rest is crap like gladiator and i need it on my own. so i hope you can accept this, staying online 1 more hour from now.
