I am not very creative so I've decided to make our clan story based on our clan history and what we have been through, through my eyes. 42 was originaly started by Dikarika who is an awesome Toribashian (and an awsome friend who I met on tb). One day me and him where having a friendly fight/convo in our private server (tk preferred :P) when he brought up the idea that he should create an all new clan since he left [Bncy] (With all due respect), so after we talked about him and his clan and how it would be like (coming up with names together ect.) he went on and started [42] with much enthusiasm. At first I honestly thought that 42 would not make it because Dika would go inactive for long periods of time and without a leader the clan would not be successful, despite this being his good friend I promised him that I would join 42 (At the time I was in Parrot <3) if something where to happen and I was to leave/kicked from my clan. For a while I remained in Parrot although I did not feel I belonged because of reasons that will not be mentioned, so I quit. Not knowing where else to go I remembered Dika and his clan so I pm'd him asking him if I could join and got accepted. At the time I joined, Dikarika Mars200 and Sennax where the only people in 42, and for a while it stayed like that; just us four members. All was going well until Dika went inactive unexpectedly and left us with nothing but our clan tag, so I decided to take action with some help from Marsie and allot of help from Shadowboy (Whom we'd be almost nowhere without <3) we recruited about eleven new members 3 of which were from the recently dissolved clan HIVE (may it rest in peace) feeling good about how great we were doing I decided to halt recruiting until our DSC is made. I wanted the best DSC out there so I hired/recruited Noomy (<3) to do our clan vid. Everything was going well until our three HIVE members ditched 42 and with them many more members including Sennax (one of the original 42 members *sobs) realizing that 42 was already dying I tried to keep our clan alive by recruiting some new members holding on desperately for Noomy to finish our clan vid so I can make our DSC *credits to Macshiz for making our banner and logo.* Just receiving Noomy's pm containing our clan vid I find myself here happily making a DSC for our well deserving clan.
Clan Goal:
Our clan goal is to become a quality clan that's fun to be in, with fun members that are active ingame aswell as on forumn.
Jolly Roger,
Final-Shift, S.r.s
42 Members
Leaders: -Dillon207-10th Dan
-Dikarika- 10th Dan (Dikarika is inactive at the moment)
-Mars200- 2nd Dan
-Shadowboy- 9th Dan
-Noomy- 2nd Dan
-HEF2- 2nd Dan
-Rocyajaw- 4th Dan
-Kronoslord- 5th Dan
-Macshiz-3rd Dan
-Patriotz- 5th Dan
-Randomninja- 10th Dan
-DoubleG- 2nd Dan
-Baygonn- Blackbelt
-Mobi- 7th Dan
-Parker1287- 6th Dan
Clan artistas
-Patriotz- Clan logo/banner artist
-Macshiz- Clan logo/banner artist
-Noomy- Clan video artist
-Shadowboy- Clan texture maker
42 Friends :D
Piebel-Master belt
Fistfury-6th Dan
Ex 42 members
-sennax- 10th Dan
-Irimuru- 10th Dan
-pwnsors101- 7th Dan
-Pab10- 10th Dan
Clan waiting list - Inkz
If you want to join
-You must submit four of your best replays,
2 multiplayer replays of yourself in any of the mods below, and two singleplayer replays (to be judged by me).
-You must be moderately good at any one of these mods:
Taekkyon, Wushu, Aikado(Taekkyon prefered)
-You must be blackbelt or above.
-You must be a generaly cool member and you must be approved by our elites(If I found out you clan-hop you will be kicked/rejected no hesitation).
-You must fill out this form:
What you will bring to the clan:
Other stuff we have to know:
Referalls (if any):
Previous Clans:
Infraction Points/Bans (if any):
Talents(Tb related):
Clan rules: - No flaming at other members aswell as people that arent in 42.
- Be active on forumn.(when we get one)
- Be active in all clan events(acceptions can be made)
clan vid:
Moto- Be the original.
Thanks to all 42 members for providing the replays for our vid. <3