Andrews cool move----- 100k+ move---- Decapitations
ok here are some directions to my cool moves
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Match Frames:500
Turn Frames:10
Engage Distance:90
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Press C
Extend Abs
Contract Pecs
Grabby Hands
Space x2
Lower Shoulders
Contract Knees
Contract Hips
Extend Ankles
Space x2
Extend Knees
Raise Shoulders
Space x3
Contract Knees
Lower Shoulders
Space x4
Press C
Extend Knees
Space x 2
Release Left Grabby Hand
Raise Left Shoulder
Space x3
Raise Right Shoulder
Space x1
Release Right Grabby Hand
Space x4
Contract Knees
Press P or be creative...
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1. With Rigid Opponent, Decapitation of Oppenent and Player with opponents head flying away from you
2. With Limp Opponent, Decapitation of Oppenent with opponents head passing over your other hand
3. Any other means you screwed it up
I got creative with the limp and got 123k
without creativity on the rigid i got 120k
Please do tell me how it went for you
well there you are...