WAIT, let me finish my one before you decide!
ok, here is a preview of the blood, i am adding the eyes soon!!!
when the animtaion finishes and a flash comes up, thats a glitch, those eyes that you see ARE the ones i made and am going to use, but actualy....i dont know how to blend the layers together, ...one sec, i shall be RIGHT back!!!
oh and a question, would you perfer to keep the transparency, or do you deffo want a white background?
ok it turns out its very easy to blend layers! here it is (128x128 format):
and if you want i can change the size of the eyes, i made them too small for my liking, then i couldnt be bothered to draw the again, so i scailed them up....
oh yeah, im about to test ingame so i can see if the line at the back of the head is ingame, and i will take a screenie to prove aswelll.........
Last edited by CazRules; Dec 2, 2009 at 10:06 PM.