Original Post
Noomys blow job replay thread!
Yeah. This.

gonna let my old replay thread rest in peace

C&C is appreciated, and will be listened to
Attached Files
#Noom-DairyChoclate.rpl (171.8 KB, 14 views)
#Noom-Supormo.rpl (98.9 KB, 11 views)
#Noomy- I believe i can fly!.rpl (167.9 KB, 14 views)
DairyChocolate- nice manip, I felt the attack lacked some. but its nice tho.

Supormo- I didn't like the 1st attack but the 2nd got my eyes back. 8/10

Can Fly- Nice boom. Nice split but I wanted a core, very relaxed. 9/10
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