Well, this is Beginner Sanctuary, so in case someone doesn't know what some stuff are for, so I'll explain...
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7-no grab
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sets fracture on or off.
Fracture = Your joint becomes unusable, and it bends a bit more for both sides.
You can't dismember a fractured joint (why not!?)
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sets disqualification on or off.
Disqualification = When you hit the ground with any other bodypart or joint than feet and hands. There's a special setting for this called sumo, which set wrist and ankle disqualification.
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the force needed to fracture a bodypart. should be lower than [dismebmertreshold]
If the fracturethreshold is higher than dismemberthreshold, then there won't be any dismemberments.
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determines the type of the dojo. 0 means circle, 1 means square.
It's the other way around.
0 is square and 1 is circle.
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sets the size of the dojo. note that round dojo's are smaller than squared ones.
The round dojos are bigger than square dojos.
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seems to have no reaction on the game anyhow.
Was meant for the space between players 1, 2, 3 and 4, but now that there won't be 3/4 players, it's useless.
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seems to have no reaction on the game anyhow.
Did you even try them? :X
If you set engageplayerpos 0,0,0,0,0,0 , you'll notice that both Tori and Uke are on the same place...
The numbers mean:
<Tori x>,<Tori y>,<Tori z>,<Uke x>,<Uke y>,<Uke z>
Looking from behind Tori and Uke when engageplayerpos is 0,0,0,0,0,0:
x = Positive amount is left, negative right
y = Positive amount is towards the camera, negative away from camera
z = Positive amount is up, negative is down
Engageplayerrot doesn't work for me, but it should rotate Tori and Uke around.
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shall probably define the damage a player has to inflict to win,doesnt work.
0 = Self damage off, opponent damage on
1 = Self damage on, opponent damage on
2 = Self damage on, opponent damage off
Self damage means that can you damage yourself, and opponent damage means can you damage your opponent.
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sets the gravity of x,y and z axis.
Looking from behind Tori:
x = Positive amount is left, negative right
y = Positive amount if away from Uke, negative towards Uke
z = Positive amount is up, negative down
Normal amount is 0 0 -9.82, sambo gravity is 0 0 -30.