Original Post
Who has played this classic game? It was one of the funnest games to play with friends, i mean what more could you want guns and worms?

Anyways Liero has kind of died now because of the whole compat failiures, so you pretty much cant run it on anything past windows ME.

Luckily a few people have made some liero clones such as LieroX and more which i think are really fun

Anyways discuss
Lol, reminds me of the times when me and my big brothers played it a lot...

Every time there was such a mess because we never used reload time, and all the maps were blown up after a few moments.

But it was still funny.

Banana Bomb, Gauss Gun, and... Well, we played so long ago that I can't remember anything else... Atm :l

But yeah, Liero is awesome. And classic. And awesome.