Original Post
lets see you dance sucker
the first replay is my latest one/best one, the second replay is my seconded newest/second best, and the third replay is just an orangery replay and not as good as the others

comment on the replays/ rate my replays
Attached Files
d-d-dance.rpl (305.4 KB, 48 views)
Dot dot dot
thanks you for contributing

is there any suggestion's like, lets say quicker spine's like the one at the end
Dot dot dot
sorry for bump

man did i just saw flares? shit ... thats really awesome. you should try some kewl freezes and some balance on hands. seriously, you are a veeery good bboy in tb, you should practise hard to get the very best :o
I think you should have one with you break dancing and killing uke. Also, maybe less on your hands and more on feet or head? Otherwise, 10/10.
Oh and maybe a pose after the end of dance replays?