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Gaining respect from other people.
srs topic.

How do you guys is the correct one?

1. Fearfull respect:
with few words, you get respect from people from your body apperiance or bullying people.

2. General respect:
Obtaining respect by "exchanging" respect or have self confidence/ good positure.
Do you mean, in real life?

2 is the one to choose from. The Honourable Respect. The respect you receive is the respect you give. It's the respect you obtain by helping people when they need, expecting nothing in return. It's respect that will last you a lifetime.

You can't say the same about number 1 though. I would even hardly call it respect, although I can understand what you mean with it.
Generally, I'd say that respect from being trustworthy, kind and honest is the best way to go, as I do. However there are situations where that kind of respect cannot be used. Intimidation from phyiscal appearance and reputation is a better kind of respect to have than intimidating someone via physical/verbal abuse. All in all, general respect wins.
lead Sigma
I agree with Phail.

Winning respect by being nice, kind and honest is the only true respect. I wouldn't call people being afraid of you respect at all.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
Generally being superior over others in some aspect gains you respect. Can be anything.....your achievements, your skill, helpfulness, intelligence, harshness, ruthlessness, etc. Neither one of those will get you respect of ALL people. If you are selfless and go out of your way to help, there will always be those who will see you as a fool. Some will only grant respect to people who are ego-centric condescending assholes. Basically, you ought to choose the audience you associate with and want to appeal to, and work from there. Some actions only impress douchebags, and vice versa.

PS: the point about self-confidence is very important too. It's a prerequisite for everything else. If you don't respect yourself, no one ever ever will.
Last edited by Odlov; Dec 20, 2009 at 12:44 AM.
The question shouldn't be "which type of respect is more effective", but "which is more effective; respect or fear"? And fear, I believe, is the greatest tool for human manipulation that exists.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
I respect people who show intelligence and project a personality that fits smoothly with my own. I also respect skills in any field that I have interest in.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by hydrotoxin View Post
The question shouldn't be "which type of respect is more effective", but "which is more effective; respect or fear"? And fear, I believe, is the greatest tool for human manipulation that exists.

A lot of the time people eventually reach a dire state of 'all or nothing' and either overthrow your ass or leave you with no one to govern.
Mussolini etc.

Besides, respect has value too. It's one thing to intimidate thousands of average joes into submission, and another thing to gain respect of people who have the means and mental fortitude to not be subdued.

Sure, gaining genuine respect of few is not as practical, but imo much more satisfactory. And the most important thing in life.
Last edited by Odlov; Dec 20, 2009 at 12:55 AM.
Although I completely understand what you're saying, Odlov, people have different means and requirements to obtain satisfaction, be it violence, sex, control, or otherwise relatively "good" acts.
I am neither Oyster nor lsl.
Originally Posted by phail View Post
Generally, I'd say that respect from being trustworthy, kind and honest is the best way to go, as I do. However there are situations where that kind of respect cannot be used. Intimidation from phyiscal appearance and reputation is a better kind of respect to have than intimidating someone via physical/verbal abuse. All in all, general respect wins.

part of this is thruth
but what about you say things that people donīt usually like
people will mock you