Original Post
[Auction] Full Texture set CHEAP!!
i am selling an full texture set, not even opened yet =D!!

i think the guys that can affort it know whats in it but ill still tell you:

-All the 16 Body Textures
-1DQ Texture
-1Ground Texture
-4 Trial Texture's

Starting bid: 180k
Min Raise : 5k
Autobuy : 250k

End date: only 24 Hours after the last valid bid w0t!!

Good Luck!!
shit >.<

i putted an to low price didnt i ugh.

nvm you bought it.

the set is not opened yet (and there is 5k in there)
so i want the 5k back. so gimmy 255k.

EDIT: set sended
For your records...

You've sent 255000 toricredits to up2u

thx for deal
wishful eyes deceive me