Original Post
Nonsensical Server Behavior
I was in a match in a server (and I was admin!) and in the middle of my match, a random person came in the ring, and suddenly, I was booted to the waitlist and the new guy took my place in the match.

Why is this and how can I prevent it?

What do you mean by "suddenly"? During match or after match?
Because when there's a queue, and you lose, you'll be made the last one in the queue...
Except if hot seat mode is activated.
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post

What do you mean by "suddenly"? During match or after match?
Because when there's a queue, and you lose, you'll be made the last one in the queue...
Except if hot seat mode is activated.

It was during a match, when I was the challenger, I believe. It happened to some of my friends as well.

Originally Posted by culapou View Post
It's queuejump
type /set queuejump 0
