Original Post
First Manipulation
Just something simple after I found a use-able manip move. Feel free to rate, C&C, and edit.
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Hope you didnt need that.rpl (46.2 KB, 17 views)
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

considering its ur first, 6.8/10
-need moar speed
-looks like you just extended ur knee
-try to only let ur hands and feet (sometimes knee) touch the ground
-falling to the ground in openers for more than 50 frames is unappealing to me
-too robotic
-wasnt movin at all from 280 to 210 (looks very bad when u do that)
+sort of clean for a manip
=if u hav good speed , it eliminates the ugliness of extending ur knee from full contract
=instead of extending from full contract, use relax then extend
=dont ever not move joints for more that 25 frames
=use chest more
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Ok, I see your points. I dont quite understand what you mean by too robotic though, and frames 280 to 210 I'm lifting uke into the air. I'll try to see if I can improve it
Vibacious - - Get vibin'