because of many offers wich came via pm i decided to make an auction for the account PainBlood7
AUtobought by toril.
auction ended.
Starding bid: 250k
Min Raise:10k
End Date: 3.1.2010
Autobuy: 300k
toril is leading with 270k bid right now.
the account comes with thees 3 items.
Join Date: May 2008
No void relax in the marked. but its about 150,000 tc The CV Repo Center!Found: Void Force for 185,000 tc22.92% off TheCandyVan Gman's ShoppeFound: Demon Emote Color for 120,000 tc0.00% off Gman80
Last edited by freeeddy; Dec 30, 2009 at 04:24 PM.
naja wie gesagt ich hab dir ja schon geschrieben ich würd dir die items ja geben und auch noch n par taused tc aber halt für dein pack. lass uns da in pm drüber reden.