omfg jesus *faints* im multitasking between this the vid and tb and it is fucking awsome what is that song i want to get it ^^ awseomness <3
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord

Look at the blood. It's so much better now! :o
凸[◣_◢]凸 PRAISE LID 凸[◣_◢]凸 FUCK THA HATERS 凸[◣_◢]凸 PUT THIS IN YO SIG IF U DOWN 凸[◣_◢]凸
True awesomeness right there, the replays and of course 3.0.
The waiting for it is killing me too.
(15:43) <Drakhir> Zaarock: everything is useless.
(15:43) <Blam> Drakhir: Including your penis