Original Post
If someone could make this script it would make things a whole lot easier.

Let me explain:

You can keyframe a move like, a kick, you start with a kick stance and in the middle with a bent knee and at the end releasing the kick.
But thats just an example, its not why I want the script.

The reason is that on skate-mods sometimes i drop off my skateboard, like if I were on a rail and the skateboard is left grinding while i drop.

But I want to be able to drag him back on before he drops, and on the next frame, keep him on the board, and I want to be able to drag him without him getting all relaxed and stuff, like a stiff model.

This script would be for Single player only.

f6 the verify the frame.
Shft+space to toggle 1 frame
f4 to bring up a frame line, like in flash, and you click the frame and wala, your on the frame

Please take my surgestion into concideration and I would be pleased if this script works out.
So, dragging your tori character?

I think that was suggested before, but there is a blink script, that lets you move your Tori.

Other than that, you could probably replay hack to get your skateboard back onto your feet.