Original Post
I just got a tori prime and i wanted to use a signature that I made.
so here's just my 3rd attempt at a chowder related signature, i personally think it came out great.

For this i used gimp.

Last edited by noomy; Jan 1, 2010 at 12:11 AM.
The border is a little thick to me but its good 8/10.Also wrong place needs to be moved.
Formerly Fourfive
I like it, the colours match now. I never saw the one with the red but it was obviously an eye sore. :P But it's fine now so 10/10.
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
Art & Videos = TB Related

General Art = Non-related art

please remember that in the future.


looks coo', I like the colors.
CHOWDA!!! The background is really nice and goes along with Chowder 9/10
Strictly a replay maker with a LOW amount of tc. (;