Original Post
Desktop images
A development screenshots from the TB raytrace exporter.

The files are quite big. Right click and open in new tab for best viewing (in firefox at least)

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Re: Desktop images
One glammy that I got from Nokturnal.

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Re: Desktop images
That is awesome Hampa!! Keep up the good work!
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.
Re: Desktop images
OMG!! That's really cool!! In an instant the game feels even more proffessional..

Can't wait to see more!!
Re: Desktop images
This screenshots are raytraced in an external program.

If you take a screenshot with f8 you will get a file called raytrace/screenshot.pov

This file you can raytrace with the free raytracer PovRay

The screenshot.pov file only tells the raytracer the location of joints, bodyparts and blood. Colors, lights, materials etc can be specified afterwards.

Here is another shot btw
Re: Desktop images
I run dual monitor (two 17" monitors next to each other). Since this setup creates a larger desktop size, here is two screenshots put next to each other...

I decided to go for some carnage took a while to get the floor to match height on both images in the renderer...

Sorry for the large filesize, but it is 2560x1024 :o (~920KB)
I has a flavour
Re: Desktop images
Ooooh! That picture is just wicked! *saves*
More!! I think we may need to start an Art board and shove you on as moderator slainveteran ;)
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.