Original Post
71.06 m/s Speed
After me and Kageton Editting this replay a few times we got a Abosolute impossible m/s
Last edited by Kirby; Apr 22, 2008 at 05:53 PM.
Did you just get DQ'ed by a Black belt who used a toribooster to boost their amount of credits per win but you have no idea what any of those are?
Then check out "The Toribash Dictionary"
You can get more speed if you raise Uke's arms. I don't know how fair it is to increase your apparent mass of your foot by using Uke, though.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
Originally Posted by Dafe View Post
You can get more speed if you raise Uke's arms. I don't know how fair it is to increase your apparent mass of your foot by using Uke, though.

Yeah, I didn't remember if moving uke was allowed or not.
<hampa> that is insane
Apparently having a life means to accomplish nothing.