Original Post
Kicking in Penguin style: Decap, split and backwards kicks
I enjoy kicking. Here are my single player efforts. Backwards kick is 150 distance, others are 180.

Tell me what you think.
Attached Files
headkick_penguin.rpl (30.9 KB, 28 views)
split_uke.rpl (47.1 KB, 24 views)
backwards_kick.rpl (28.4 KB, 24 views)
"Well, nevermind. We are ugly, but we have the music." -Leonard Cohen
Re: Kicking in Penguin style: Decap, split and backwards kicks
Nice one Juntalis.

I managed to decap with backwards spinnig kick. So here is the enchanted version.
Attached Files
backwards_kick_decap.rpl (65.2 KB, 25 views)
"Well, nevermind. We are ugly, but we have the music." -Leonard Cohen