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Testing Textures
hai all of ya! i've been recently playing the game, and began wondering, "Hey! the prices for all the custom texture parts are just too much for me!". then i thought: "what if i start making textures and selling them, so i win some extra cash, and when i get enough money, i use the sets i made?".

so here's where my dillema is. Can I test a custom texture using 3DS MAX, or is there a special program to test toribash textures(i heard there was one for heads)? coz i tried to test my textures replacing the textures in my custom folder, but that didn't work.

plz help

edit:@noscd5335: nope. didn't work. also tried adding my files to a "randomname" folder inside custom, with all the textures inside, then in free play i did the "/dl randomname" and "/lp 0 randomname" and the only things that changed were the floor texture and all four trails.

What to do?!


edit2 @guardian duo: now it worked. thank you very much
Last edited by ilasaigues; Jan 9, 2010 at 05:03 AM.
First off, I believe this is in the wrong section. Try the Beginner's Sanctuary.

Back-seat moderating aside, check this out:

Or you could just use my own quick guide:

Save the texture as a .tga image (multiple of 128x128). Name it head.tga for a head texture, r_leg.tga for the right leg texture, etc.

Make a new folder in your customs folder (name it preview or something) and put the texture(s) there.

Then go into Toribash and /lp 0 preview (or whatever you named your folder)

EDIT: Noes! Don't /dl your folder name! That overwrites everything (I think). Well, it doesn't do anything good for a preview, anyways.
This sentence is a lie. This sentence is not true. This sentence is divisible by zero. This sentence is eatable.
Moved to the Beginner Sanctuary (though the question's been answered) - it's a bit more of an appropriate place to ask questions.

If you have more questions, feel free to post more in the Sanctuary or PM me.

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ok. here is an answere to your problems. as i have had this problem and been able to fix it myself.
ok. to start [ im not sure if this is nessesary] remove or disconnect from your internet connection. i did this to be sure.
then go into your custom foler. find a player, such as hampa or evil and copy the contents of their custom folder over the top of uke's
now when you go into toribash, uke should look like hampa!
now what this means is that uke has the ability to wear textures because hampa's equiptment files says he can.
now you can replace any of hampa's textures with your own 128x128.tga.
just make sure to rename them correctly
like left hand texture is l_hand
or right hand texture trail is trail_r_hand

ok i hoped this helped. i think i did it as best as i could!

woot 100 posts

She's got more wrinkles than an Elephants scrotum.. Then Hampa's... Uhhh.