Original Post
+help , with wallie-card(but toricredits)
i was buy a wallie-card for 50 EUR and there stay --Transaktion--
and then i was log in and < shop < buy toricredits < wallie-card < "then i muss give the code in it" i was do that and then clear
then i was go back and i was dont get my toricredits but my money was away?
what now is that a problem of the card or toribash?
i want my money or the toricredits pls help me i dont know what now
if the cash is gone, you should recieve the tc. just wait, its a bit slow.
I can ride my bike with no handlebars.
i dont have a voucher key i have a wallie-card code
and when i type i one time more in then there stay 0.00 EUR so i musst have now my toricredits but i dont have
50.00 EUR thats a lot of money

edit: i was type the code yesterday i was think so , too but i was pay with wallie some times
i just type the code and then the tc are there but now not and the voucher key there stay click here and i was click there and then there stay pay with wallie but i was pay already but what is a voucher key ?
Last edited by KillKick; Jan 9, 2010 at 04:25 PM.